garden borsch
Health & Nutrition, Thrifty Nutrition

Garden Borsch Recipe

A good garden borsch is a real treat to the taste buds! It’s easy to forget just how healthy it is because it’s so good. When trying to eat a balanced diet, it’s important to try to find recipes that you enjoy as well as give your body the nutrients it needs. Eating junk food may seem satisfying because it gives us that temporary sugar rush but a steady diet of it gets costly. Not only can it easily chew up your food budget, but junk food also keeps you from being able to maintain steady energy levels. It doesn’t have all the nutrients the body needs.

Soups are a great comfort meal and something that can be easily put together. The other great thing about adding soups to your meal schedule is that many of them can be made in batches and frozen. Any last minute to the recipe which doesn’t freeze well, such as yogurt, can be added when the soup is thawed and warmed up.

Garden Borsch Recipe

In a large pot on the stove, mix the vegetable soup with a cup of water. Add diced beets with liquid, chopped onions, shredded cabbage, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, and garlic powder. Bring it all to a boil. Reduce the heat and cover. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. The final step is to blend in the yogurt before serving. This recipe will serve 4 to 6 people.

Maximize Taste, Not Expense

This garden borsch recipe is a great addition to your culinary skills. It’s also another great example of how you don’t need to spend a lot of money to eat meals that are delicious! Challenge yourself to try some new recipes that help you eat a balanced diet and stay healthy!

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