How to Use Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer is one way we can slow the spread of germs. It is a good solution to killing germs if you are unable to wash your hands. Lots of people rely on hand sanitizer because it’s convenient and kills a portion of germs. However, it’s not effective on all germs which is why it should be a second option when hand washing isn’t available. Knowing when and how to use sanitizer effectively can make the difference in preventing sickness and the spread of germs.
How to Use Hand Sanitizer
There are a few things that can impact the effectiveness of hand sanitizer. One of those things is using the proper technique. To use hand sanitizer correctly, follow the following steps
- Apply some sanitizer to your palm
- Rub your hands together, palm to palm.
- Move the sanitizer across the backs of your hands, ensuring to get in between the fingers
- Rub around the thumbs
- Move the tips of your fingers to the palms of your hands
- Rub the sanitizer down and around your wrists
- Continue rubbing until your hands are dry.
- Wash your hands as soon as you’re able.
It’s important to only use it on the surface of your skin. Ingesting sanitizer can be hazardous to a person’s health. If it’s swallowed by a small child, it could be fatal. Always store sanitizer in a safe and secure place away from children.
How Effective is Hand Sanitizer?
A lot of different factors can impact the effectiveness of the sanitizer. It’s important to select a sanitizer brand that is made up of at least 60% alcohol. Some brands advertise a higher percentage but a higher percentage of alcohol doesn’t mean it’s more effective. Hand sanitizer needs some water and other ingredients in it in order to be effective in killing germs.
Sanitizer has also been shown to be less effective when hands are greasy or visibly dirty. This happens because the sanitizer isn’t actually cleaning your hands. It’s not able to remove dangerous chemicals or metals. It just kills germs that lay on the surface. Germs and bacteria can be embedded and protected by the dirt and grease. Also, sanitizer isn’t able to kill certain types of germs such as norovirus, clostridium difficile, or cryptosporidium. These are some of the key reasons why it’s recommended to wash your hands over using sanitizer if possible.
To Use or Not Sanitizer, That is the Question!
Hand sanitizer is a tool that can help protect you and those around you in the short term. The best time to use hand sanitizer is before or visiting a friend or loved one in a nursing home or hospital. It’s also recommended that you use it when there is a concern of germs, your hands are otherwise clean, and the option of hand washing is not available.
In the majority of situations, it is still recommended that you wash your hands with soap and water. Hand washing should always be used for activities like preparing food, administering first aid, cleaning, or after using the bathroom, coughing, and blowing your nose. Sanitizer is not nearly as effective at killing all types of germs. It’s not a bad idea to carry some as a secondary measure but hand washing should always be chosen first, if available.
Good Hygiene is Important to Long Term Health
Maintaining good hygiene is one step people can take to maintain and safeguard their health. The more we wash our hands, use sanitizer when it’s appropriate, and practice good hygiene the more we reduce the risks of transferring and contracting germs that make us sick. It’s important that we have the knowledge and resources in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy. Progressive Housing Society works closely with clients to ensure they have their hygiene needs met, particularly in times of crisis. You can make a difference in keeping people healthy by contributing to our efforts. Please donate now and contribute to the health of your community!