2019 Mental Health Summer BBQ decorative text with luau cartoons
Agency Updates

Summer BBQ Luau 2019

On August 14, 2019, Progressive Housing Society hosted our annual Summer BBQ. This year we went with a Luau theme. Luaus started in Hawaii and were celebrations used to bring people together to honor great victories. The parties reinforced the idea that prosperity should be shared with family and friends. Today they are known to be great parties that can be geared towards a variety of different interests or focuses.

Summer BBQ Luau Fun in the Sun!

We had a fabulous turnout for the BBQ! Staff and clients were in a great mood! We had the good fortune of having a beautiful day and a nice shady spot in Central Park. People showed up early and stayed for almost the entire event. It was a good time to socialize while mowing down on some absolutely delicious food.

We had a number of games and activities including coloring and a fun trivia game. This year we would like to thank our wonderful sponsors of Landmark Cinemas, Metropolis at Metrotown, Waves, and Starbucks for donating a host of fantastic prizes! Their contributions caused quite the excitement among attendees for the prize draws.

We also had a fabulous photo booth this year where people got to get their photo taken with a number of fun props. Overall it was a super fantastic day!

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